Personal Projects

This is a list of projects I have made in my free time to explore my passion as a software developer and solve problems I encounter on a regular basis. I'm almost always working on a project in the background. All of my personal projects are and will always be free software liscened under the GPL or one of its variants (most often GPLv3).


A CLI sequence escaper and unescaper

I made this to make http requests from the command line easier.



A simple CLI mpd listening time tracker with versatile stats.

I got inspired to create this after noticing most people getting their Spotify wrapped at the end of the year, meanwhile I was just kind of left in the dark as to what I listened to. Mpdtrackr is much more powerful than Spotify wrapped when used with correctly tagged audio files, as it tracks listening time locally on a daily basis, allows you to group by different fields (e.g. title, artist, genre, album), and different time frames (e.g. day, week, month, year, all time) while providing a way to easily export your data in JSON format to another application better suited for data visualization. So instead of receiving wrapped data for only the past year, you can get it for the past month, past week, or any time range for that matter.



A cross-platform CLI and GUI application to easily modify osu! beatmap parameters

I created this as cross-platform and CLI-friendly alternative to the popular windows-only application, osu! trainer. Since I use Linux on my main machine, osu! trainer didn’t work well at all and I couldn’t even get it to load. Eventually I decided it would be worthwhile to just make my own version with more features.



A CLI and GUI tool for tagging audio files

I created this because I couldn’t find any mp3 tagging applications that I liked. So I made my own. A GUI version for the average user and a CLI for those who prefer the efficiency of the command line.